Monday, October 26, 2009

Not One Republican That Voted Against Franken Amendment Will Say Why

Somehow I missed this segment on The Rachel Maddow Show with Jamie Leigh Jones and her attorney. Rachel's producers have contacted every single Republican Senator that voted against the Franken amendment and not one would appear on Rachel's show to explain their vote.

It seems to me that if they had a good explanation, one that was vaguely plausible, they would be willing to come on Rachel's show to explain themselves. What are they so afraid of? Could it be the public reaction to what I'm sure their constituents would have to their being so cold hearted.


vomamike said...

The Republican NO vote on the Frankin amendment is indefensible - that's why.

Chris said...

They should say WHY they voted for or against something. I'm getting sick of the polititions not answering to we the people.

vomamike said...

Chris - damn, something we can agree on. Yes all legislators should be willing to explain their vote choice. But in this particular vote, I think the reason is obvious. It was protecting the self interests of big business.

Chris said...

I agree vomamike. I see it happening from both sides and it makes me ill. I want the gov't to stop doing so much for big business and big labor at the expence of we the people. We need to start taking care of the group that creates jobs and growth. That group is small business. They seem to be getting attacked by this admin. You should stop by my blog sometime vomamike. I always like hearing from the left and the right.